We were never explicitly told this was the strategy, but back in March and April, Israel’s government seemed to be trying to fully suppress the new coronavirus: reduce daily cases to zero. The country locked down, visitors were forced to quarantine, foreign citizens were banned, with a view to a full reopening. At the first […]

Covid, Capsules and Haredi Privilege
I want to talk a bit about privilege. Privilege is a buzzword on the progressive Left right now, where it means something like “the advantages you have in life”, I suppose. Or maybe “The disadvantages in life that you don’t have”. But that’s not what the word really means. As I learnt from Terry Pratchett, […]

The Cost of Uncertainty
There’s a big cost to a lockdown, but the uncertainly about lockdowns only makes that cost higher.
Debunking Israel Coronavirus myths
Whenever someone writes about Covid-19 in Israel, they’ll be deluged with claims that the numbers are all fake. The tests are wrong, so people aren’t really sick. Oh, and the hospitals are lying so people aren’t really admitted or ventilated. And the death recording is wrong so people aren’t really dying. There’s an irony here. […]

FAQ on Israel’s New Year ‘Lockdown’
Meals? Prayer? Work? Answers to the most common questions I’ve heard about the new regulations.